Thank you to the members who were able to join us online on Thursday for our AGM – for those who were unable to join us, please find below the link to watch back the recording of the meeting – this link will be live for the next 30 days:
At the AGM, the following Taunton Chamber of Commerce roles were confirmed for the coming year:
Nigel Pearce: “My time as President has been a very enjoyable and rewarding experience, sometimes challenging but always positive working with my colleagues on the executive.
We have dealt with some interesting and difficult issues during the past four years what with Brexit, our involvement in the Taunton BID and of course Covid19, but I think the support and contributions we have given our members and the wider business community has made us stronger and more relevant to the challenges that Taunton faces.
Our membership has grown, mainly as a result of the great work by Bethan, our Membership and Events Manager, and I look forward seeing this continue and
working with Adam in the future”
Adam Townley: “Having served as Vice-President of the Chamber for a number of years now, I am pleased to be able to finally step up to the President role. I would like to thank Nigel for his work in the role and I am pleased that he has agreed to take on the VP role for this ‘handover’ year so that I can benefit from his support and guidance in my new role.
We all hope the challenges 2020 provided are beginning to get behind us and I look forward to using the role to help our members bounce back in 2021 and beyond”