It’s never too early to think about new year’s resolutions. If you want to do something completely different in 2023 then why not come and volunteer for us as a mentor for a vulnerable young person?
We are holding our first ever virtual information evening on Tuesday 10th January at 7.30pm where you can meet our area coordinators and get the answers to all of your questions about volunteering for PROMISEworks.
To join us on Zoom on that evening, please complete the form on our website at
so that we can send you the meeting link.
What we do
PROMISEworks is a local charity making a big difference in Somerset by offering mentoring services to disadvantaged children across the county.
Long-term mentoring makes a real difference to disadvantaged young people. Mentoring can improve self-esteem, widen horizons and raise aspirations. It can help young people learn to control their anger; prevent them getting into dangerous situations and stop them from causing harm or damage to themselves or people and things around them.
If only for a short time each week, it can give them the opportunity just to be children – to enjoy a picnic, jump in the surf or critique the current fashion trends without worrying about what else is going on in often chaotic young lives