Today, we are typically a cash poor but property rich society. Your home is likely to be your biggest financial asset. It’s often worth much more than any other investments or savings.
However, getting your hands on this cash to pay for renovations, long-term care or retirement is a major step. It requires selling your home, downsizing or releasing your cash in some other way. There are lots of things to consider.
Depending on your financial situation, we can help direct you towards the best option:
– Helping you to consider the most appropriate way to generate cash or income;
– Highlighting the risks and real costs involved;
– Illustrating how the value of your estate will decrease;
– Discussing the implications for your family on your death.
If you’re thinking seriously about equity release, we may consider things you haven’t. Why not talk through your ideas and concerns with us today?
Tel: 01823 322222 Email: [email protected] Website: