Sustainability is increasingly important in every aspect of our lives.
Companies, governments, and citizens are more aware of the impact of today’s choices on tomorrow’s world. And business has a key role to play in the creation of a sustainable future.
The transition to a sustainable future is complex and the overlapping nature of challenges presented requires a multi disciplinary approach. New skills and knowledge will be required and working together is essential to develop a deep understanding of the social, environmental, ethical and economic challenges and opportunities of a sustainable future.
“The planet does not have time for excuses. Investors have a central role to play in moving the world to a low carbon future” Maurice Tulloch – CEO Aviva PLC
“Firms ignoring climate crisis will go bankrupt” Mark Carney – Bank of England
Join us for an introductory scene setting followed by informative discussion and help each other make the right choice for our business.
If you would like to register your interest in attending this event, please email [email protected]