Somerset Council’s Public Health team are offering Somerset businesses two completely FREE services to enhance your employee’s wellbeing. Your workplace can select one (or both) of the services below and allow the Public Health team to deliver an intervention that will support your workforce’s health.
Take the Pressure Off!
We are inviting workplaces across Somerset to ‘take the pressure off’ by holding free blood pressure testing sessions at their workplace delivered by Somerset Council staff.The free testing offer has been taken up by thousands of employees in Somerset already and we are seeing around a third of people getting higher than normal readings. This focused initiative means we can offer follow up testing support to understand a person’s average reading and signpost to further intervention and advice if needed.
For more information or to get involved in the ‘Take the Pressure Off’ campaign, please contact us by emailing: [email protected]
Workplace Health Checks
A Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Workplace health check aims to screen and advise people of their risk of having a cardiovascular event such as a stroke or heart attack in the next 10 years. This check can also reveal if an individual is pre-diabetic or diabetic, for this we can offer advice and signpost to further intervention and related services.
To generate the risk score of an individual, we take measurements such as their height, weight, and waist, along with a pulse and blood pressure reading and a small blood test which will tell us cholesterol and glucose levels. Throughout the check, we will also ask an array of questions, from their family medical history to questions about their lifestyle and habits.
For more information or to book your workplace in on a day(s) to suit you contact us by emailing: [email protected]